Editor’s Note: Walmart made a similar announcement yesterday.

Ebay, founded by a non-White Iranian, has followed suit with Walmart and Kmart in removing Southern heritage symbols from its pages.
Spurred on by an ecstatic Jewish media, the flood of economic sanctions against Southern culture seems to be gaining momentum, with the breaking decision of Ebay to pull all items featuring Confederate flags from its immensely-popular business, as was reported on the Majority Rebellion website.
Ebay, the world’s most well known auction site with yearly profits in the billions, bowed to pressure from various Negro and Northern interest groups during the late morning hours today, saying that an initiative to phase out the more than 1400 products relating to Southern culture will begin immediately.
Rival company Amazon has, as of 4 PM Eastern Standard Time, followed suit with the product sanctions against the Southern people, despite having more than 14,000 Confederacy-themed listings.

Pierre Omidyar, the filthy Persian mongrel who has made his hatred of White Southerners loud and clear. That smile is enough to scare most children and elderly.
Calling it a “contemporary symbol of divisiveness and racism,” eBay said Tuesday that it will ban the sale of Confederate flags and similarly themed merchandise.
“This decision is consistent with our long-standing policy that prohibits items that promote or glorify hatred, violence and racial intolerance,” said eBay spokeswoman Johnna Hoff.
EBay Inc., based in San Jose, California, said it will begin notifying sellers of its decision and begin removing items that contain the Confederate flag on Tuesday. A search for “Confederate flag” brought up 1,400 listings, including pins, watches, ties, hats and sunglasses with an image of the flag on it.
Must the memory of the Confederacy be tramped into the dust, just as the glory of the Third Reich has been demonized almost beyond repair?
Are the White Southern people to be broken through economic sanctions and boycott until they relent to the juggernaut of multicultural oblivion?
Or will there be a determined backlash, as ordinary men and women, who have largely desired only the God-given right to live in peace and autonomy, rise up to demand an end to this Marxist nightmare, mainly conceived in the minds of sociopaths and subversives bent on extermination?

Economic and cultural parasites have now deemed it necessary to make images such as this a distant memory. Through these tactics, they hope to break the collective soul of an entire ethnic group.